Short lines, Brabant mentality and finally quality are the main reasons why we choose Bestronics.


Jifeline offers the automotive aftermarket an unique diagnostic concept. Dealers and garage owners are relieved in programming and coding vehicle electronics. In addition, we support the workplace in diagnosing complex faults. In the event of complex breakdowns it will usually take car companies many hours to come to a solution. Through the Jifeline interface, a remote connection is made with the car, that doesn’t have to leave the workplace. Jifeline provides a fast and good solution and can also be the answer to the jumble of different diagnostic devices and corresponding subscriptions. We make sure you will be on the road again soon.

"Bestronics is characterized by short lines and a Brabant mentality."

Erwin van der Velden
Jifeline B.V.

Short lines, Brabant mentality and finally quality are the main reasons why we choose Bestronics.
