Many new customers

In the past few months many new customers approached Bestronics with a range of wonderful innovations and existing products. An increasing number of companies outsource a larger package of transactions to Bestronics. More and more companies want to focus on their sales- and development activities, instead of PCB-assembly, and outsource the complete assembly, tests and even logistics to Bestronics. Wonderful examples are the Lasergame products of Ultratag and the extremely advanced charging stations of Blue Current

Soon, we will update you with regard to more wonderful products, powered by Bestronics.

Bestronics brings new investors on board

Bestronics makes a significant leap towards a promising future by welcoming new investors.   Recently, we have reached an important milestone by attracting new investors. This marks a major step forward in the further growth and development of the company. With this capital injection, Bestronics can further expand its innovative technologies and services, strengthening its …

Entrepreneurs of the Year

Anton and Hans van Limpt of Bestronics were appointed Entrepreneurs of the Year 2019 by WTC-E ZakensociĆ«teit. With great interest, they received this award on the third floor of the Philips Stadion. Anton and Hans have succeeded Anton Jansen, director of A. Jansen BV. Otto Lodewijk received the prize for the WTC-E YoungProfessional of the …